Affichage de 9 résultats

Description archivistique
Calgary, International Friendship Church
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IF Identity Documents

Identity documents: Brief histories, By-laws, SEE Calgary Handbook, Denzil Baker’s philosophy: “Reaching the Unreached People Groups of South Asians in Canada;” church bulletins

Calgary, International Friendship Church

  • CA W V023
  • Fonds

Records of the cross-cultural ministries of the International Friendship Church in Calgary that eventually merged to form Gateway International Church.

IF Church Board Minutes

Calgary, International Friendship Church: Board minutes: 1993: Mar. 2, Apr. 6, June 1, June 15, Sept. 4, Nov. 26; 1994: Jan. 14, Mar. 18, May 6, June 10, July 3, Sept. 2, Oct. 20, Nov. 3, Dec. 4; 1995: Jan. 27, Mar. 21, May 18, June 23, Aug. 10...

IF District Papers

District Papers: notes of conversations, letters written to the church and on behalf of the church, congregation closing letters, Church Development Committee minutes, Bakers Retirement Dinner

IF Congregation Minutes

Congregational meeting minutes with some attachments: Feb. 20, June 12, 1993; Jan. 22, Apr. 22, 1994; Sept. 8; 1995; Feb. 9, 1996; Jan 24, 1997; Jan. 23, 1998; Jan. 29, 1999; Jan. 28, Nov. 1, 2000; Jan. 26, 2001. The minutes of the Nov. 1, 2000 ...