- CA W C01-6
- Series
Part of Canada West District, Pre-Merger
History of the District and its Agencies. (See Series 5 for biographies of its workers).
Part of Canada West District, Pre-Merger
History of the District and its Agencies. (See Series 5 for biographies of its workers).
CWD Identity, Legal Standing, Studies
Part of Canada West District, Pre-Merger
Incorporation and other legal documents, studies, statistics of the CW District.
Part of Canada West District, Pre-Merger
Accounts of individuals who served with the CWD as leaders, pastors, educators, laypersons; and missionaries who served with societies other than the U. M. S., each of whom completed his/her ministries prior to the 1993 merger. Missionaries with ...
Part of Canada West District, Pre-Merger
CW District “Class” membership records: 3 x 5 card file record of memberships of local congregations. Classes are: Acadia Valley, Athabasca, Bergen, Bowden, Cremona, Castor and Markham, Didsbury, Edmonton, Galahad, Gimlet, Hoadley, Hope Chapel,...
Part of Canada West District, Pre-Merger
District programs operated essentially by the District with the exception of camps, and women's and men's ministries which have quite separate operations.
Part of Canada West District, Pre-Merger
The publications produced as part of district operations including: newsletters, and other informational and/or promotional materials.
Part of Canada West District, Pre-Merger
2 documents: a history, and a history and philosophy of district camping
Part of Canada West District, Pre-Merger
Recollections about camping by families attending the 1998 camp homecoming celebration
Part of Canada West District, Pre-Merger
Selected individuals give memoirs of their experiences at children’s camps and at camp meeting/family camp; collection of articles and writings reflecting aspects of CNW Conference camping
Canada West District, Pre-Merger
The Canada West District began in 1906 as a mission district under the Ontario District of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. In 1907 it was organized as the Canadian Northwest District. In 1908 General Conference gave its official approva...