- CA W N001-1-EV9-6
- File
Schlemmer, Henry, will, 1971
Schlemmer, Henry, will, 1971
Historic Churches: Albright Memorial Church; First Evangelical Church, New Berlin, Pa.
Historical Scrapbook by K. R. Volkman
Historical scrapbook by K. R. Volkman covering both the district and the denomination
Several brief histories of various aspects of NWCC history.
History: brief statement with doctrine for use in Catechism classes.
History: references in Canada Conference Journals 1907 – 1921 taken by Art Riegel
Incorporation: Northwest Canada Conference Act of Parliament, 1928 incorporating the “Northwest Canada Conference Evangelical Church.” Correspondence in 1961 and 1968-9 concerning proposed changes requiring an amendment; 1992 act to amend the 1...
Albright: “Jacob Albright, First Founder …”; “Jacob Albright, An Oration
Kenaston: 2 somewhat different histories 1903 to 1976
King & Queen’s visit, 1936: commemorated