- CA W V001-1-aEM1-4
- Pasta/Processo
National Directory, 2013 (Dec); 2014 (July)
National Directory, 2013 (Dec); 2014 (July)
General Assembly records, committee reports, restructuring
Restructuring, 2005: Jan., 2004 and May, 2005 proposals
General Assembly 2013: Manual for the Assembly
Position Statements: ‘The Gifts of the Holy Spirit,’ ‘The Assurance of the Believer,’ ‘Faith and Practice,’ ‘A Plea for Abstinence,’ ‘Christ at the Centre,’ ‘Making Your Stewardship Count.’
"EMCC.CA:" 2000: Nov; 2001: Winter, Spring, Fall; 2002: Spring, Fall; 2003: Spring, Fall; 2004: Spring, Fall
Westbrook Community Church: dedication bulletin with a bit of history
McDougal Chapel: Pictures of the first two church buildings and of the early pastors including Rev. Peter Dyck, Rev. Gordon Dedels, Rev. Ernie Neufeld, Rev.Carl Lehman, Rev. Carl Willcox and Rev. Bob Bartell. Historical notes.
Edmonton First: 25th and 40th Anniversary folders. Pictures of the first construction with Rev. Alvin Traub, Rev. Harley Traub, Mrs. Mary Finlay, Rev. Albert Habermehl, and Mr. Raymond Young. The building at various steps in its development. P...
Records of historical societies serving the EMCC.