- CA W C27-MC25-15
- Unidad documental compuesta
Parte deDidsbury Missionary Church
Statistical reports: members, transfers, baptisms, dedications, 1931 to 1942 (incomplete)
Parte deDidsbury Missionary Church
Statistical reports: members, transfers, baptisms, dedications, 1931 to 1942 (incomplete)
Parte deDidsbury Missionary Church
Florence Finlay W. M. S. minutes and records 1966 to 1987, 1978 to 1982 missing
Parte deDidsbury Missionary Church
Growth Analysis: Study of the congregation’s history in light of church growth and evangelism principles by Wayne Peterson for an CTS class assignment.
Parte deDidsbury Missionary Church
"Voice" of the D. M. Y. F. Feb.-March & October; "Sonshine Times" 1979: Vol. 1 nos. April (1), June (2), Oct. (3)
Parte deDidsbury Missionary Church
Minutes of the C. E. Board 1984 to 1994 including reports from committees working with youth
Parte deDidsbury Missionary Church
Women’s Missionary Circle: Records from Jan. 2, 1934 to Feb. 1, 1939 including lists of members, minutes of meetings, financial records, and lists of handwork completed.
Parte deGalahad Church
Galahad: Correspondence: 50th, 60th, & 65th anniversaries, including from Mrs. Emma Craddick, Mrs. Edwardson (much history), and from Myrtle Anderson, a brief history
Parte deGalahad Church
Galahad: Church Board minutes, 1985 to 1991
Parte deGalahad Church
Church annual Meeting minutes with reports, 1945 to 1962
Parte deGalahad Church
Galahad: Annual Meeting minutes and reports, 1963 to 1977