- CA N E005-2-EMD2-4
- Unidad documental compuesta
- May, 1995
Parte deEMCC World Partners
Field Directors’ Declaration: May, 1995 expression of gratitude by all field directors under World Partners
Parte deEMCC World Partners
Field Directors’ Declaration: May, 1995 expression of gratitude by all field directors under World Partners
Parte deEMCC World Partners
Relief and Development: 2001 volunteer service promotion of mission teams; “Relief and Development 2004-2005,” “WPVS,”
Parte deEMCC World Partners
Philippines: Correspondence, 1989 to 1991, and a 1990 and 1994 proposal for a partnership between the EMCC and International Needs in the Philippines for church planting.
Parte deEMCC World Partners
Parte deEMCC World Partners
2010 Keystone Conference missionaries’ pictures: Dorothy Reid, Carolyn Benson, Ellen Krahn, Gerald Brulotte, Sandra Tjart.
Stastics, Pastors/Churches 2006, 07
Statistics Pastors and Churches, 2006, 2007
Bylaw #1 (name given to the original “constitution” in 2000; and then, in 2005, incorporated both the former Bylaw #1 and Bylaw #2); as amended in 2005, 2007, 2008, 2013.
Ordinary Annual Meeting minutes: Oct. 3, 2008; Nov. 11, 2010, Nov. 1, 2012; June 16, 2014.
Publications of the EMCC and its agencies
"World Partners Newsletter," 1997
"World Partners Newsletter:" 1997: Spring, Summer, Fall