- CA N E005-2-EMD2-4
- Dossier
- May, 1995
Fait partie de EMCC World Partners
Field Directors’ Declaration: May, 1995 expression of gratitude by all field directors under World Partners
Fait partie de EMCC World Partners
Field Directors’ Declaration: May, 1995 expression of gratitude by all field directors under World Partners
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Relief and Development: 2001 volunteer service promotion of mission teams; “Relief and Development 2004-2005,” “WPVS,”
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Philippines: Correspondence, 1989 to 1991, and a 1990 and 1994 proposal for a partnership between the EMCC and International Needs in the Philippines for church planting.
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Fait partie de EMCC World Partners
2010 Keystone Conference missionaries’ pictures: Dorothy Reid, Carolyn Benson, Ellen Krahn, Gerald Brulotte, Sandra Tjart.
Stastics, Pastors/Churches 2006, 07
Fait partie de Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada (West)
Statistics Pastors and Churches, 2006, 2007
Fait partie de Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada (West)
Bylaw #1 (name given to the original “constitution” in 2000; and then, in 2005, incorporated both the former Bylaw #1 and Bylaw #2); as amended in 2005, 2007, 2008, 2013.
Fait partie de Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada (West)
Ordinary Annual Meeting minutes: Oct. 3, 2008; Nov. 11, 2010, Nov. 1, 2012; June 16, 2014.
Fait partie de Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada (West)
Publications of the EMCC and its agencies
"World Partners Newsletter," 1997
Fait partie de Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada (West)
"World Partners Newsletter:" 1997: Spring, Summer, Fall