- CA N M02-1
- Series
Assembly and board documents, financial statements, legal documents, etc.
Assembly and board documents, financial statements, legal documents, etc.
MCC Missions - Reports 1983 - 88
Part of MCC World Partners
MCC Missions, 1983-1988: reports of missions directors, visits to fields, misc. missions documents that need to be further related to other materials.
Publications of the MCC as a committee of the MC.
The work and ministry of MCC World Partners shared with the Missionary Church, Inc., 1979 to 1993.
Part of Missionary Women of Canada
Bylaws, 1989, and Handbook, 1991, MWC
Part of EMCC World Partners
Management Plan, Interim, World Partners Canada, 2005
General Assembly Manual: 2013
Assembly Manual, 2015, 105 pages