Marlborough Park: Salem merger discussion papers, Church Directory for the two congregations combined; Salem congregational letter inviting M. P. to work with them in a new church.
Newly Organized: Brief statement in “Canada West Highlights” of church organized in June, 1979 to be known as Marlborough Missionary Church; attached monthly financial statement of Evergreen Missionary Church, January thru May, 1978.
Salem: Quarterly Conference minutes, Dec. 19, 1934 thru June 28, 1968. Thru May 15, 1942 the Quarterly Conference included Calgary and Vulcan and at times met at Vulcan.
The Church began in 1902 under the Evangelical Association as the “Didsbury Mission” growing to include, as a circuit, Siebertville, Mayton, Kansas, and Sunnyslope. In 1994 it joined with the Missionary Church in Didsbury to form Zion EMC Church.