Beulah Mission and Home: articles & letters about the Mission, association with Beulah Alliance Church, pictures of the staff including Mrs. Finlay, Mrs. Mabel Thomson, the Edwardsons, Clara Schaefer (with a brief family history), Wm. Finlay,...
Local Church missionaries: for 1991 convention names and pictures of missionaries collected according to their home churches: Bergen, Bowden, Calgary: Bonavista, Marlborough Park, Parkdale; Castor, Didsbury, Edmonton, Galahad, Hoadley, Lumby, Ma...
Camp Meeting early history, Evangelists 1905 to 1976; 1945 promotional card; 50th Anniversary song sheet; 70th & 75th Anniversary brief histories; copier copies of pictures of a row of campers’ tents, two tents & vehicle, main worship tent...