- CA W C27-MC25-15
- File
Part of Didsbury Missionary Church
"Letters of Transfer" 1902 to 1945, mostly from Ontario
Part of Didsbury Missionary Church
"Letters of Transfer" 1902 to 1945, mostly from Ontario
Part of Spondin Church
Spondin membership records, three editions which were a part of the Hanna record book
Part of Regina Calvary Church
Regina: Membership record of Calvary Evangelical Temple
Part of Didsbury Missionary Church
Membership Records from the beginning of the church to about 1950, alphabetically arranged A to M. Single sheets that include date of birth, conversion, baptism, and, for parents, family members and their birthdays.
Part of Didsbury Missionary Church
Membership Records from the beginning of the church to about 1950, alphabetically arranged N to Y. Single sheets that include date of birth, conversion, baptism, and, for parents, family members and their birthdays.
Part of Galahad Church
Galahad: Membership applications and marriage records (copied)
Part of W.S.W.S./W.M.S.
Memorabilia: installation services, correspondence, accommodation charges, etc.
Newspaper accounts (German & English) of church beginnings, anniversary brochures: 50 th, 75th; church history to about 1975; Dedication bulletin, 1958; Memorial Directory, 1987; List of Pastors; River Park Directory.
Memorial Roll, Evangelical Women
Part of W.S.W.S./W.M.S.
Evangelical Women’s Memorial Roll: Records from the Memorial Services held at each annual convention when a brief bio of each women who had passed away during the year was read and their names recorded in the Memorial Roll. Records cover the yea...
Part of Edmonton, Mill Woods Church
Records of memorials presented in honor of those passing away, weekly records of guests who signed their presence.