- CA W N001-6-EV24-2
- Pasta/Processo
Lieske, E. A. Report in June, 1948 in Chilliwack church letter.
Lieske, E. A. Report in June, 1948 in Chilliwack church letter.
Vancouver Grace & Faith Records
Vancouver Grace & Faith: Sam Taetz pastoral records, 1952 to 1972; expenses of the Germany trip, car mileage and expenses.
ECNA: Union with EV Church of North America: minutes, etc., 1976 to 1978
Methodist Merger: Taetz, S. B., personal correspondence relating to the question of the UMC merger
Accounts and records of the lives of pastors, missionaries, educators, and other workers who were members of and served the Conference.
Martin, Ferdinand Ernst: newspaper articles on 99th and 100th anniversaries, Christmas card at 100 years, three brief autobiographies.
Autobiography, education records, evaluations, recommendation for ministry
Obituary, brief Conference correspondence with Leroy Meyers
Autobiography, Service Record, Obituary, Conference Office correspondence
Taetz, Sam: personal records of ministries at Morris, Woodley, Macoun, and Vancouver Grace and Faith, from June, 1946 to June 25, 1972. Record of contacts with the Ebenezer Congregational Church in Portland and its 100th Anniversary Bulletin wit...