Zone du titre et de la mention de responsabilité
Titre propre
Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada
Dénomination générale des documents
Titre parallèle
Compléments du titre
Mentions de responsabilité du titre
Notes du titre
Niveau de description
CA N E001
Zone de l'édition
Mention d'édition
Mentions de responsabilité relatives à l'édition
Zone des précisions relatives à la catégorie de documents
Mention d'échelle (cartographique)
Mention de projection (cartographique)
Mention des coordonnées (cartographiques)
Mention d'échelle (architecturale)
Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)
Zone des dates de production
Zone de description matérielle
Description matérielle
Documents and objects created by the EMCC since its beginning in 1993.
Zone de la collection
Titre propre de la collection
Titres parallèles de la collection
Compléments du titre de la collection
Mention de responsabilité relative à la collection
Numérotation à l'intérieur de la collection
Note sur la collection
Zone de la description archivistique
Historique de la conservation
The documents, objects, and other holdings were created by the EMCC, its conferences, and boards and are committed to the archives for permanent keeping.
Portée et contenu
The EMCC was created in 1993 by the merger of the Northwest Canada Conference Evangelical Church and the Missionary Church of Canada with its two districts: Canada East and Canada West. As of July 1, 2005 the EMCC restructured resulting in each district becoming a corporation whose purpose was to hold property and handle designated funds. The districts’ other responsibilities were assumed by the Denomination. In 2011 these district operations were also assumed by the Denomination and their existence subsequently ended.
This fonds collects the records of the EMCC.
This fonds collects the records of the EMCC.