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Morse Mission
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Morse Mission Records

Morse Circuit: Church records for Morse, Glen Bain, Rush Lake.

Morse Mission Records

Morse Circuit: Church records mostly Morse, also some financial records.

Glen Bain Minutes, Cemetery

Glen Bain Annual Meetings and Council of Administration minutes from Dec. 30, 1955 to Sept. 16, 1962. Plot plan for the cemetery on the site of the first church.

Morse Mission Records

Morse Circuit: Church records mostly Morse, also some financial records.

Rush Lake History

Rush Lake: German historical accounts of the congregation, anniversary service bulletins

Morse Mission

  • CA W N035
  • Fundos

The Morse Mission included three congregations: Morse / Hodgeville, Glen Bain, and Rush Lake. The work began south of Morse, where the first pastors lived, in 1914, with a church erected in 1916. The building was moved to Hodgeville in 1964. C...

Hodgeville History, Minutes

Morse Circuit: Hodgeville brief history; Local Conference minutes for circuit 1958 to 1968, attendance stats. 1969 to 1979.