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Lang Church
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Lang Church

  • CA W V034
  • Fundos

Records of the congregation in Lang, Saskatchewan

Church Records, History

Lang: Record of membership, baptisms, deaths, marriages, catechisms; brief history, memorabilia including 40th anniversary materials, A. J. Grams testimony of salvation, dedications, history, church picture

Financial Statements

Lang: Annual financial statements: 1966, 1968, 1979 to 1987, 1990 to 1999; Sunday School minutes and class members, a few between 1929 and 1948; 1997 T4 summary

District - Church Closing

District Office file with documents relating to the closing of the congregation.

W.M.S. Minutes, Reports

Lang: W. M. S. meeting minutes 1932 to 1961, annual reports 1932 to 1989 (incomplete)

50th Anniv., Closure

Lang: 50th Anniversary booklet , reasons for closing, a couple of pictures; Quarterly Conference minutes 1960 to 1939, church records

Youth Fellowship Records

Lang: E.L.C.E. minutes and records (became Youth Fellowship)