- CA N E017-EMD6-7
- Pasta/Processo
Parte de Lois Fuller (Dow)
Lois Fuller (Dow)'s "A Missionary’s Handbook to African Traditional Religion"
Parte de Lois Fuller (Dow)
Lois Fuller (Dow)'s "A Missionary’s Handbook to African Traditional Religion"
Parte de Lois Fuller (Dow)
Contracts & letters of appointment; Annual Reports (incomplete); report on NEMI project, copies of “Lois’s Letters.” (The archives have a complete listing available.)
The writings and records of Lois Fuller missionary and Field Director for Nigeria under the U. M.S. and World Partners.
Parte de Lois Fuller (Dow)
Lois Fuller (Dow)'s "The Adventures of Aunt Lois"
Parte de Lois Fuller (Dow)
"God’s Great Project: Blessing to All Nations" - a biblical theology of missions.
Parte de Lois Fuller (Dow)
"The Missionary and His Work," a manuscript