- CA N E006-I-EMD13-16-3
- Item
Part of Missions in Nigeria
Pictures of Nigerian leaders and facilities: Rev. & Mrs. D. O. Taylor, Samuel Oloyede, Theological College Chapel, a local congregational church building
Part of Missions in Nigeria
Pictures of Nigerian leaders and facilities: Rev. & Mrs. D. O. Taylor, Samuel Oloyede, Theological College Chapel, a local congregational church building
Pastoral Relations Committee Minutes
Part of Osoyoos, Little Brown Church
Pastor Relations Committee minutes: Jan. 24, 2000 to Sept. 1, 2002 (seem to be incomplete)
Part of EMCC Canada West District
Pastors’ Letters: D.S. letters to pastors and churches, 1993 to 2004
President's Communique. Oct. 19
“President Communique” Oct. 19, “West Coast Christian Accord” recommendations
Part of River's Edge Camp
Certificate of Incorporation, 1997
Part of Missions in Brazil
Society Records, 1991: Thirty-Fifty Field Conference of the United Missionary Society of Brazil, June 29 – July 2, 1991, minutes; Treasurer’s Report, 1990; Minutes of the Executive Committee of the U. M. S. of Brazil: 1990: Sept. 9, Oct. 5, Nov. 3...