Affichage de 2222 résultats

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Historia, vol. 6: 1976 - 1979

Volume 6, 1976 to 1979 - Missionary Banner articles supplemented by other printed sources, including the newsletter “Brazil.” Highlights of this period included the first youth camp.

Memorial History

Newspaper accounts (German & English) of church beginnings, anniversary brochures: 50 th, 75th; church history to about 1975; Dedication bulletin, 1958; Memorial Directory, 1987; List of Pastors; River Park Directory.

Vancouver, Grace Church

  • CA W N047
  • Fonds

Records of a congregation begun by the Evangelical Church in Vancouver in 1941 by Rev. J. S. Domm and named Grace Evangelical Church.

Punter, Dennis Corresopdence

Personal letters from denominational leaders, Leonard DeWitt, Eugene Ponchot, Everk Storms, 1974 to 1981; personal letters from the CWD and Willard Swalm, 1968 to 1971; Circular letters from the CWD office to local pastors and congregations, 196...

UMCA Centennial

UMCA Centennial, 2005: “Still Holding the Future” documentary of services, historic sites (graves), buildings and testimonials.

Nupe Literature Committee

Nupe Literature Committee: Jan – July, 1972 financial statement; 1972 ? report written in Nupe, 1998 letter

Résultats 241 à 250 sur 2222